Text 828.373.3345 to schedule your care! As of 1.2.2024, we are in-network with AETNA!


Text 828.373.3345 to schedule your care! As of 1.2.2024, we are in-network with AETNA! ~

Experienced consulting for all your lactation needs

“…I felt like I had a clear path forward on my breastfeeding journey.” R.L.

Home Visits + Office Visits + Virtual Visits

We are in-network with Aetna, and we contract with The Lactation Network!!!

Text 828.373.3345 to schedule your care!

We are in-network with Aetna, and we contract with The Lactation Network!!! Text 828.373.3345 to schedule your care!

We are in-network with Aetna! If you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, United, or Anthem insurance, quickly see if you pre-qualify for fully covered support through The Lactation Network.

Serving families in Asheville, Fairview, Black Mountain, Weaverville, Woodfin, and beyond!